Customer Data Platforms in Marketing - 7 Effective Uses

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Customer Data Platforms are generally known in marketing under the abbreviation CDP known. These are databases in which All relevant information about a customer stored centrally will be. The core idea is to bring together the data that is collected, stored and processed about a customer in different ways and, above all, using different processes, on one unified platform to make available.

In the company, you benefit from this in many ways: from time and personnel efficiency for high demands via short information paths until the target group oriented marketing design. One essential element will particularly convince you: the Customer communication is made possible at a first-class level via customer data platforms. Learn more about it here.

Customer Data Platforms are Software solutions, which create customer databases by collecting information from all available sources of revenue merge and give the Customers a distinctive ID assign. This customer data can be accessed as needed by different areas of the company.

Customer Data Platform and Data Warehouse - are they the same thing?

No! Customer Data Platforms are software solutions that are technically much less complicated to integrate into a company, and also von marketing experts without technical know-how are used and controlled. become. They are therefore less complex than the data warehouses and, due to their specific application possibilities, a real asset for a successful marketing. You will learn how to implement this effectively in the next sections.

With the CDPs you can:

  1. Optimally address the 360° customer
  2. Realize demand-driven marketing
  3. Change data economically and profit from it
  4. address the customer in a versatile way
  5. optimally integrate the social media channels
  6. Implement targeted SEO
  7. Serve eCommerce for high demands
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360° or: contact the customer in 3D

Customer Data Platforms enable you to, all collected data about a customer from different sources to connect. Whether CRM or Facebook, online or offline, trade show or mail contact: You bundle all information about the customer on a uniform platform to which all employees of your company can fall back on as needed can.

The result is a Holistic profile of the customer, which you address precisely and thus very effectively can. The CDP provides you with information on whether it is a social media-savvy customer or a Interested partieswho would like a serious follow-up by mail after a trade fair. The contact can be designed individually and thus particularly promising.

Want and Need: know what the customer needs

The fact that CDPs hold all the information about the customer means that you can tailor your marketing to their exact needs. Needs vote

Whether you use an inquiry from a contact form, a post on Facebook, or a comment on one of your company's YouTube videos as an opportunity to contact your customer or a prospect: It's No blanket advertising, but a Practice-oriented and thus precisely tailored approach, which is precisely oriented to the needs of the addressees and focuses on the need of the interested parties.

Always be up to date

With Customer Data Platforms, you always know exactly, how the customer is currently doing. Has just ordered and needed Services after the purchase? Was there first a complaint and you would like again inquirewhether everything is now in order? Does the customer need to certain Season highlights many articles and is similar to a Discount offer then particularly accessible?

You can use all this information from the customer data platforms and integrate it into a targeted marketing integrate the High efficiency is identified. In addition, everyone in your company knows when the personal contact person of a customer should be on vacation once.

Use different distribution channels

Appeal to all sensesIn advertising, this is particularly important. Customer data platforms provide you with information that you can use for a variety of communication channels. The Facebook communication on the mobile device, the classic mail on the desktop PC or the Google Ads Campaign: You reach your customers and prospects in a varied and thus attractive way.

By using Groups from customers generated by the information from the customer data platforms, the Optimal customer approach possible. When which advertising worked is also obvious from the CDPs. Thus they are also a important control instrument in marketingthat you will soon no longer want to do without.

Facebook & Co. for customer acquisition and retention

Social media as communication channels are becoming increasingly important today. High share rates generate you a first class range. Whether Facebook or YouTube, Twitter or Instagram: You get the information via Customer Data platforms, Which customers are active and contactable on which channels, and can use this for marketing at a high and, above all, target-oriented level.

Design SEM for optimal reach

From the information of the Data Platforms you can also see, after which customers and interested parties research, what is important to you and what they would Google for. You can put this into a targeted search engine marketing reminiscent.

In doing so, you can implement two important marketing goals at once: On the one hand, you make your web presence known via target group oriented SEO more discoverable, on the other hand SEA for high demands more precisely fitting implement.

Create eShops for individual needs

Online stores benefit from customer data platforms in particular. Because personal contact with customers is not as pronounced in the online segment, the High-quality and precisely fitting address particularly important.

With the data from the CDPs, this is also possible efficiently in the online sector and the customer will not be anonymous, but will receive practical and personal support from you. Your online store and its offers adapt to each customer individually, so to speak.


Customer data platforms bring a lot of benefits around successful marketing. Important is the individually suitable insert. We will be happy to advise you on how to Sustainably profit from customer data platforms in marketing.

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