Customer Data Platform Provider - how to choose the right software?


A Customer Data Platform implement and as needed is one of the most important trends in marketing. The benefit of the platforms is first class: Customer information are generated from many data sources bundled and made available to the authorized employees of a company in a need-based and, above all, uncomplicated manner. More and more software products are being developed in this context. But not all of them deliver what they promise.

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Here you will learn how to use the Comparison between different providers for relevant software and develop the customer data platform that really moves you and your business forward.

In order to put the research for the Customer Data Platform software on a solid footing, it is necessary to first establish a clear Delimitation important. A Customer Data Platform (CDP) is No data warehouse. It is a software solution that does not replace any tools already in use, but rather the Integration of the data into an overall concept made possible. Thereby is Marketing at a high level possible. The customer data platforms are less complex structure than the data warehouses. They can be more easily implemented in your company's IT and without high technical competence from marketing professionals used be

Discover the right software solution

Various tools on the marketThe fact that the providers seem to treat the topic of customer data platforms differently does not necessarily make comparing providers a comfortable undertaking. A few examples should explain this to you and perhaps already indicate the direction for the individually suitable software package deliver.

  • The Cloud is an important topic with regard to central data storage for all departments of a company. Thus offers Ascent360 a marketing platform that is designed on the basis of the cloud and provides a Omni-channel solution for customer communication generated.
  • As Marketing automation platform presents itself BlueVenn on the market and wants to Customer Journey to a first-class level by creating a professional customer data management is focused.
  • Tealium describes itself as universal data hub and in focus will be the Tag Management and Interfaces offered for variable use.
  • mParticle is a platform solution that Real-time action in the foreground of its range of services.

The problem with all these solutions from a wide variety of providers is that the layman can Not immediately recognizable as Customer Data Platform software are. It is therefore important to examine products carefully and select them according to need.

Customer Data Platform Institute provides valuable support

The Customer Data Platform Institute is a platform for all companies researching a CDP for their business. It lists all CDP providers that comply with the definition of CDP and realize the software solutions for CDP as a core business and therefore demonstrable competence can offer.

Through the Provider listing a first basis for comparison is already given. For a concrete comparison of the functionalities we are your contact if you want to place your marketing on a higher level through a CDP solution tailored to your needs.

Criteria for optimal software

The most important criteria for the suitable CDP software in the following overview:

  • straightforward implementation
  • High user friendliness
  • flexible applicability
  • individual configurability
  • economic cost structure
  • High security

1. implementation: effort and benefit in optimal ratio

A customer data platform, in contrast to a data warehouse, is usually significantly simple integrate into the IT of a company. Because after a certain effort for the implementation, it is except regular updates is much less complicated in terms of maintenance and care.

Therefore inquire about System requirements of a CDP with the vendor: Normally, it should be pleasingly compatible with their corporate IT.

2. ease of use: for comfort and efficiency when working.

Marketers using the platform are generally not technicians with the appropriate skills. Therefore, the Platform easy to use be

It is optimal if the Training period does not require much effort and the User interface clear and intuitive usable. Trial versions allow a risk-free comparison of the individual providers. Ask if the software can be tried out free of charge!

3. applicability: stationary and mobile

Today, a platform for customer data management is only efficient if it can be used for flexible fields of application is designed. This also includes the fact that the CDP software is designed for both the stationary PC as well as for mobile devices such as smartphone and tablet is suitable.

In this age of multimedia and mobility, business people are on the move all over the world. Customer data is from the road entered and retrieved according to demand. The CDP should allow this without gaps.

4. configurability for use according to requirements

Not every company is the same in its operations. The usability according to demand of the CDP platform is therefore an indispensable criterion when searching for the optimal software.

So it shall marketing-specific instruments support by Real time data provides, practical filter functions offers and the Access flexible in terms of both space and time.

5. cost structure: invest wisely

A favorable Price-performance ratio is important. A CDP software product must not cost as much as a data warehouse. Evaluating the providers in comparison is only purposeful if the Services of the packages at the respective price also really considered be

6. safety: the be-all and end-all

In times of hacker attacks and data misuse, the Data security an indispensable asset that a customer data platform must also take into full account.

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) of the EU has set clear standards in this context. These are met by the software solution legally secure implement, as the penalties for non-compliance are usually high. Also the Access to the platform must be restricted. Here is Password protection also indispensable for the software package.


A customer data platform can use its Efficiency only unfold if they selected according to needs will. Here you have an overview of criteria according to which you can select the CDP that perfectly suits you.

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If you want to turn the CDP into a solid Marketing concept we are your competent partner for the Contact. Just give us a call or send an email to request an equally free as well as non-binding initial consultation to make an appointment. We advise you on which CDP software is optimal for you in comparison and how you can benefit from it with your company. profit sustainably can.

We are looking forward to the Contact to you and offer you professional support around a efficient customer management on!

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