Create custom audiences easily in Google Ads


Google Ads gives advertisers and merchants all the tools they need to Play out targeted campaigns. Whether with a small or extensive budget, to improve the awareness of their own brand or to Generate leads - every ad needs an addressee. Custom target groups leave you the freedom to target groups of people who have similar interests, visit certain websites or search for a keyword. We'll show you how to proceed so that your campaign benefits from individual targeting.

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Google Ads knows its customers

Hardly any other company in the world has such extensive data records of its customers as Google. In 2021, the Google Chrome browser alone was used by around 3.2 billion users every day to surf, store and work. On any given day, 5.6 billion unique searches are made through the Google search engine, or 3.8 million searches per minute worldwide. Every use of Google products feeds the databases with comparable data setsfrom which algorithms can learn. The Google Ads service, through which you as a company or advertiser place ads, benefits from this diversity.

Through the use of Google products, data records can be collected and analyzed.
Through the use of Google products, data sets can be collected and analyzed. (Image:

However, Google not only knows people who use search engines and services privately, but also its advertisers. That is why Google Ads already provides many different tools to define goals and target groups for new campaigns. For example, you can choose from an overview whether you want to increase conversions, sales or reach. Do you want to advertise in apps or in Google search?

Along with details of your target website, Keywords and landing pages, Google Ads can already determine who you are likely to target with your campaign and target the ads accordingly.

Discover target groups in Google Ads

Creating a new campaign is easy with Google Ads. The "New Campaign" button can be found directly on the Start Dashboard, the "Overview" in the Ads account.

The campaign is initially the superstructure for individual ad groups. Here you define, what content you are advertising want. This is another reason why a newly created campaign should have a concise title that is easy to find again, even if many campaigns are running at the same time.

Goals when creating a Google Ads campaign
Creation of a new campaign in Google Ads

Within the ad groups, you then create individual ads and the corresponding Target groups. Google already knows some target groups that have proven successful for retailers and companies. For example, if you offer beauty and wellness products, there is already a customer base for this that you can select.

With an activation of the "Alignment" of the target group and selection of a predefined target group you can see how many Users of which demographics you are likely to be able to reach. This option is quick and easy to use if you do not want to create your own specific target group. If you want to play the ads to users of any target group without any limits, but additionally increase or reduce the bids of certain target groups, use the "Observation" option. Your ads will be shown to all users, but with a bid in a certain amount also to the selected group. In addition, you can see the performance of these target groups in detail.

Google Ads target group evaluation
You can compare the Google Ads target groups under "Observation" in the performance and adjust bids accordingly

Why create a custom audience?

Custom targeting is an important tool on the one hand, and the master class of ad placement on the other. It can therefore be worthwhile to start with simple A/B tests to comparewhether the custom target groups perform better than the general target groups. If you use the aforementioned "beauty and wellness" group, Google already has empirical data here. Google Ads knows which websites this target group visits frequently, where they shop, where they live, how much money they spend, and which approach they respond to particularly well.

When creating your own target group, you decide, what values Google should use to play out the ads. What are your customers interested in, which pages do they use? Are they mobile or desktop users? Do they buy via apps or do they prefer to buy Online store? Questions like these are often answered only after you have tested different variants and retained the target groups with the best conversions.

Create custom target groups - this is how it works

Creating your own custom audience in Google Ads is quite simple. Under "Target groups", select "Custom target group" at the bottom left. Assign a target group name that can also be clearly assigned later, for example "Beauty products Ü50 for".

Custom audiences in Google Ads
Select custom target group

You can now choose between "Users with one of these areas of interest" and "Users who searched for one of these terms on Google". The second item means Classic keywords. So, for example, you target people here who have searched for "anti-wrinkle cream" because you also offer a similar product on your landing page or link target. You can also filter by "users who visit specific website types", "users who use similar app types" and "users who have visited specific locations".

Creation of custom target groups
Create new custom audiences in Google Ads

You can see which users you reach with your settings in the preview on the right. Here, the data you enter generates a specific group as Google's algorithms see it. For example, this could be "women between 19 and 35" who are in Munich. The more keywords, websites, interests and geodata you add, the smaller your target group will be and thus, of course, more accurate.

Selection and prediction of the user-defined target group
Forecast for user-defined target groups

Get to know or implement target groups

How can you successfully generate leads with Google Ads? - Download

Google Ads can be used in many different ways. On the one hand, you can target your ads to a group that you already know through market research or analysis of statistics. On the other hand, the tools can also be used to find out who really is the target group of your products. For this purpose, we recommend regular reporting and adjustment of the ads. Rediscover your clientele or address exactly those target groups on which your brand has focused.



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