Touchpoint Analysis - Better Understand the Customer Journey [Guide].

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On his journey, the Customer Journey, your potential customer has various Touch points with your product or branduntil the desired action of the purchase begins.

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Since these contact points or touchpoints involve a variety of promotional activities both online and offline, you have quite a few challenges to overcome in marketing. Assistance with this is provided by Mapping as well as various Web controlling tools, which you can use to perform the touchpoint analysis.

What is the Customer Journey?

Before a customer decides to buy your product, he goes through various phases. This is best illustrated by an example:

A woman has been in the Influencer video on youtube saw an epilator, which aroused her interest. She would like to learn more about this device and uses Google. In the process she encounters a Manufacturer display and visits its Homepage. The descriptions there sound promising and she would now like to know what experiences other women have had with this product and whether there are possible - perhaps even cheaper - alternatives.

She finds with her Research a Facebook group and two Blogs, in which unanimously positive reports about the epilator. Now she goes to the Manufacturer page, on which there is also the possibility of Promotional discount for new customers to use and Orders the epilator.

In marketing, there are various ways to map this customer journey using different models. analyze.

The AIDA principle

AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. This describes the customer journey in four stages described.

  1. Attention (Attention): The customer is attracted by Advertising or other marketing activity to draw attention to your product.
  2. Interest (Interest): The interest is aroused, the customer researched.
  3. Desire (Desire): The results of the research lead to owning the product want.
  4. Action (Action): The customer ordered the product.

Moments of Truth

This three-stage model of the customer journey was developed by Procter&Gamble developed:

  1. Stimulus: The customer learns through a Marketing measure of the product.
  2. First Moment of Truth: The customer decides themselves for the product.
  3. Second Moment of Truth: The customer used the product.

In the course of time still the Third Moment of Truth in that the customer can choose a product based on his experiences on the Internet about the product expresses.

Customer Purchase Journey

This model features a Combination of the Moments of Truth with the Decision Journey takes place. The customer journey is divided into the following stations:

  1. Awareness (Awareness)
  2. Consideration (consideration)
  3. Evaluation (Rating)
  4. Purchase (Purchase)
  5. Experience (experience) 

Why is the customer journey so important?

In addition to the models presented above, there are other ways of explaining the customer journey. Regardless of the individual stations, however, the ultimate goal is for the customer to select your product in the decision-making phase.

Thus, a survey conducted by McKinsey commissioned study that a Precise knowledge of the customer journey 10 % increase in sales and 20 % more satisfied customers.

The importance of this journey becomes all the more apparent when you consider that only 2 % of visitors of your Internet presence to order something right the first time.

The role of touchpoints 

You can only capture and optimize the customer journey if you have the Touchpoints comprehend. These moments always occur as soon as the customer comes into contact with your company or brand. Central to the touchpoints is to provide the customer with Provide positive information during his trip.

While the touchpoints in classic marketing are TV or radio spots and advertisements, the Points of contact in the Online marketing significantly more versatile. A distinction is made between direct touchpoints, which you can actively control, and indirect touchpoints, over which you have little influence.

Direct touchpoints

Indirect touchpoints

  • Comments and likes in Social media
  • Reporting in online media
  • Product ratings on online marketplaces
  • Test portals and evaluation forums
  • Blogs
  • Links

Touchpoint analysis as the key to understanding the customer journey

To return to the example with the epilator:

Under normal circumstances, it is hard to understand which of your marketing tools ultimately persuaded the customer to buy the epilator.

Without the Influencer video she might not have become aware of the product at all and would not have Search engine advertising she would never have come across the Landing page come.

In order to However, to capture the customer journey completely and to reconstruct, is a Touchpoint analysis indispensable. Because only the results from the touchpoint analysis will enable you to Tailor advertising measures directly to the needs of customers.

Classic Touchpoint Analysis: Mapping

For the touchpoint analysis Mapping proven. In doing so, you draw the customer journey as a kind of Map on which you can use as intermediate stations Mark individual touchpoints. Visibility makes it clear to you which touchpoints you need to or could address more marketing-wise.

Place the Routes of different Buyer Personas multicolored on top of each other, you can create strategic touchpoints and the Interdependencies between the individual points. Once you have contextualized all the interactions, the Optimize stations and thus make it more customer-friendly.

Touchpoint analysis with web tools

Alternatively or complementary you can use the touchpoint analysis with Web analysis tools perform a customer journey analysis. This enables you to assess which phases within the customer journey are particularly important for Influence purchase decision.

With etracker it is possible to perform a comprehensive analysis of your complete marketing campaign. Also Google Analytics offers you a touchpoint analysis. If you select in the menu the "Top conversion paths", you will not only see, How many transactions across the respective sequence of touchpoints but also what kind of Sales were thus achieved in each case.


With the touchpoint analysis you locate the key touchpoints within the customer journey. For this purpose use both Mapping as well as Web Toolsto determine, on the basis of the results, the Way from the first perception until after the purchase as possible design without negative customer experiences.

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In this way increase You not only Sales and Customer satisfaction significant, but lower according to studies also your Marketing investments by up to 16%.


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