Salesforce as marketing automation software


Both in the area B2B as well as in the B2C-segment, targeted marketing is becoming increasingly important.

However, in order to be able to work optimally and plan economically, these areas are only taken over by hand in smaller operations.

Because a suitable Marketing Automation Software does this work faster, more efficiently and, above all, much more flexibly than many employees could. Salesforce is one of the best-known brands in this field and has been established on the market as marketing automation software for many years.


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Marketing Automation: What is it anyway?

Marketing automation is a software-assisted method of acquiring New customers, to the Customer loyalty and to strengthen the Conversion rate.

Among other things, marketing automation helps to improve sales processes and strengthen lead generation via the various marketing channels.

The used for this Software solutions are usually able to combine a wide variety of information and information sources and to develop, manage and control efficient marketing campaigns through automation processes and fixed workflows.

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As a result, significant increases in sales can be achieved within the various business units, while personnel requirements in this segment are significantly reduced.

While the use of marketing automation software always involves high cost associated with the software, since it must be adapted to the company and usually paid for on a monthly basis, but the increases in efficiency and sales and the additional savings in personnel clearly justify its use.

Basically, it can be said that as the size of the company increases and the number of customers rises, marketing automation becomes more and more important.



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Find the right marketing automation software

The process of marketing automation has been gaining ground for several years now. It is therefore not surprising that a great many companies now have their own Software solutions offer in this area.

Not only the functional scope of the marketing automation software plays an important role, but also its Scope and Scalability.

While some software solutions, for example, have only limited scalability and thus reach their limits when a certain number of customers are reached, other providers are more competitive due to their enormous range of functions rather uninteresting for smaller companies.

A marketing automation software with a very good scalability and also with a simple operating scheme is for example Salesforce.

Because Salesforce as Marketing Automation Software offers its users a wide range of action options and, above all, an enormously high level of functionality even with heavy customer traffic.

Thanks to the various modules and the marketing channels that can be used individually and in combination, companies can use Salesforce as marketing automation software to significantly and sustainably improve and increase their own marketing.


Salesforce: Power from the Cloud

Salesforce Marketing Automation software has been established for many years and has continued to evolve over time.

The US provider Sales Cloud has been active on the market since 1999 and was one of the first companies worldwide to offer cloud solutions for its customers.

Thanks to these technological advances and thanks to the targeted expansion of its own portfolio, the supplier is now the market leader in the field of Customer Relationship Management Systems and in the area of automated marketing.

As a marketing automation software, Salesforce offers a whole range of features and capabilities.


Thus, the Marketing Cloud includes the following elements:

  • Web Marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Mobile marketing
  • Cross-Channel Marketing


In addition, users can choose between five different modules and thus specifically determine the weighting and orientation of the marketing elements.


The modules of Salesforce

In total, the user has the following options with Salesforce Five different modules available. These are:

  • Analytics Builder
  • Audience Builder
  • Content Builder
  • Journey Builder
  • Personalization Builder


The Analytics Builder is a module with which the Customer Journey and the advertising campaigns in Real-time can be recorded and analyzed.

In this way, the advertising success of various campaigns can not only be evaluated, but also improved and specified at the same time.

The Audience Builder is a module that was developed to make it easier to find target groups for individual marketing approaches.

All existing marketing sources are taken into account, so that the marketing automation software allows the customer easy and simple access to all relevant information.

In addition, this allows the various marketing channels to be target group oriented operate and control more effectively.

The Content Builder is an important tool for a company's consistent and effective brand presence.

Through the tool, the content of all marketing channels used by the company can be summarized and presented. Thus, the desired, uniform image can be effectively controlled and optimized if necessary.

The Journey Builder offers the user the possibility to create a personalized customer journey. In doing so, the tool accesses all existing data of the individual marketing channels. In addition, the individual customer journey can be optimized for all channels and end devices, thus enabling an effective customer approach across all channels.

The Personalization Builder records customer interests and buying behavior and analyzes them. It is thus possible to create individual offers on the basis of the data generated in this way and thus to influence a customer's purchase decision in the long term.


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The functions of Salesforce as marketing automation software at a glance

The functions and modules allow the user not only to significantly simplify and automate the company's marketing strategies, but above all to make them much more efficient.

Because with Salesforce as a marketing automation software, it is possible both to promote the growth of the company, targeted high-quality Leads generate, establish lasting and beneficial customer relationships, and also evaluate and analyze their own marketing profitability.

Let's take a look at the individual elements in detail.


Smart interactions allow business growth

As a marketing automation software, Salesforce offers you the possibility to provide your employees with all relevant information in a targeted manner and thus accelerate business transactions.

Salesforce bundles through the different modules Marketing and Distribution with each other and allows to identify the best leads, to evaluate them and to optimize the follow-up and customer care.

Thanks to these possibilities, both new customers as well as Existing customers be courted more effectively and encouraged to buy.

The company's revenue thus usually increases significantly through the use of Salesforce.


The targeted generation of high-quality leads

Salesforce allows you to quickly and easily Landing pages, Forms or Email campaigns and thus generate high-quality leads faster and more efficiently.

Thanks to the comprehensive marketing tools for the various marketing channels, you can provide the customer with an individual and personalized experience from the first contact to closing and follow-up.

This not only ensures better lead generation, but also leads to improved customer relationships on a long-term basis.


Establish lasting customer relationships

Thanks to the ability to automate frequently required and regular marketing and sales tasks, you can accompany customers on their customer journey even more effectively.

In addition, using marketing automation software allows your sales team to focus on the important core elements, giving them much more flexibility to respond to changes in the market or customers.

Meanwhile, the regularly recurring tasks are automated by Salesforce.


Marketing profitability at a glance

Salesforce as a marketing automation software offers a whole range of analysis functions, which allow you to analyze and evaluate the individual campaigns and business deals in the respective context.

You can use analytics to see exactly which programs and campaigns have worked particularly well and effectively, which teams have achieved particular successes, and which tools can help you meet and exceed revenue targets.


Simple marketing activities on all channels

A good marketing automation software offers you the possibility to use the different marketing channels not only individually, but also in combination with each other.

For example, with Salesforce you can Campaigns for the Lead generation not only initiate via e-mail, but also supplement and expand them with social media postings, for example.

The software allows you to directly compare and contrast the different campaigns with each other.

In addition, the Marketing channels and the Quality of the generated Leads analyzed and compared with each other at any time.

Have you decided on a campaign or a Multi-channel solution decided, all further necessary steps can be conveniently and easily taken over by the marketing automation software.

Thus, it is only necessary to analyze the further course and to control the successes and possible failures.


Easy work thanks to intelligent structures

Any software is only as good as the user in front of the computer.


This wisdom is still true in the age of marketing automation. However, as marketing automation software, Salesforce makes it particularly easy for customers.

This is because the entire software package is intelligently designed and is very easy to use without the need for long training sessions or extensive manual reading.

While the intricacies of the software only emerge over time, Salesforce still allows users to make detailed and comprehensive adjustments in each area, so that truly customized and personalized solutions and campaigns can be developed.

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You could basically say that Salesforce is easy to master but hard to master.

Those who work with the software for a longer period of time will appreciate the many simple controls and the nevertheless high complexity of the program when needed.


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