Change advertising agency - this is how you succeed in the transfer


More inspiration, innovation and ideas for a modern marketing? Often the change of advertising agency is the start of it. The motto "We've always done it this way" can be justified in some areas of a company. This is certainly not true for marketing. After all, consumer demands are changing - and so is the profile of requirements for your company's advertising activities. This compact overview provides you with everything you need to know about changing advertising agencies.

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Ten points for those switching advertising agencies

It doesn't matter if you're changing advertising agencies because your company is strategically realigning, because you weren't happy with your old agency, or because your provider was simply too expensive for what it did - changing agencies is not uncommon the start of a more successful marketing. The prerequisite for this is that the Handover handled professionally and accurately Will. These points are important when you change the advertising agency:

1. take into account contracts

Anyone planning to change advertising agencies should check their contract with the old agency carefully. For one thing, whether it binding contractual periods exists. On the other hand, whether possible rights of contentsthat the agency has designed for you are not yours. This is especially true for elements that are not easily replaceable - something the logo and corporate design.

Review their old contract so that you can switch advertising agencies without complications.
Before switching advertising agencies, review their old contract to clarify liabilities or rights.

2. check creativity

When choosing the best advertising agency, it is important that the new creative comes with a own concept can score points. Small changes to the original concept do not usually justify the transition to a new agency. Take advantage of the possibility of a free and non-binding initial consultationthat any ambitious and serious agency should offer you.

What changes does the advertising agency offer you from which you can profit sustainably with your company? What reasons are given for the envisaged changes? Which References - also industry-specific - has the advertising agency to offer you?

3. check the general conditions

When you change advertising agencies, there will be certain things that are especially important to you. Perhaps this is a fixed support from a certain team member in the agency? Then you could, for example research on the netwhether the employees in the agency are satisfied and the fluctuation is rather low. Perhaps you are particularly interested in the possible start date when the new agency can be in operation for you? It can be critically questioned if the agency could start immediately: Doesn't it have other assignments?

Also the flexible use of the agency can be significant for you. Some agencies serve their customers throughout Germany. In principle, this is not problematic. But it can become - if the agency charges you dearly for visits to your company.

4. the price-performance ratio

Non-binding offers on services that the agency can offer you are the be-all and end-all. It is important to specify what exactly is part of a package.

Some examples:

  • Is the consultation included in the price?
  • Is there a specific number of drafts regulated that you can claim?
  • What if the performance is not to your liking?
  • What does the maintenance contract for a website include once the web design is created?
  • Is at the Web design the hosting included?
Statistics: Average hourly rates in creative agencies by field of activity in Germany in 2015 (in euros) | Statista
Average student rates at advertising agencies (Image: Statista)

5. the range of competences

The Range of services of an agency is something you should take a close look at. The eierlegende Wollmilchsau in the agency sector may promise you everything and not really be able to implement any of it in a high-quality manner - so high-quality that it is justified that you change advertising agencies for it. An agency that specializes too much can also be a hindrance if you plan to commission other services as well.

There are competences in the field of Online marketingbut because of the reach and the associated effectiveness of advertising on the web, they should definitely be on offer when you change advertising agencies:

  • Web design and web programming
  • Responsive design
  • Hosting In-house or procurement of a high-quality hosting service
  • SEO optimization
  • SEA
  • Social media competence

6. customer service: Is it well positioned?

Your website has crashed? The newsletter has not been sent? The social media presence has been hacked? The app is not working? Who swift support from a professional should make sure that this is also possible and have this confirmed in the contract. Proven agencies usually have customer support that is available around the clock.

7. specializations in the team

The Offer plate of an advertising agency today is so complex that different specializations by competent team members are the be-all and end-all. It is not important that these are permanently employed in the agency. A network of proven partners also has high value.

Copywriters and designers, programmers and web developers, concept professionals and business people are the typical specializations that could be significant for you when you move to a new advertising agency.

An agency should have the right experts for different fields of work.
Complex tasks require specialists. Find out about the specialization and the team of their advertising agency.

8. ratings on the web

The recommendation of an acquaintance for a certain advertising agency is often the ideal case. But also Reviews on the net can provide you with valuable support in the selection process. You should not be put off by a few negative reviews with otherwise consistently good verdicts. The important thing is that the broad majority is convinced!

9. smooth transition possible?

Of course, the website and the rest of your company's advertising activity should not be offline for weeks when you change advertising agencies. The important thing is to have a concept that Change with high professionalism plans and implements - organizationally and technically!

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10. change of agency as a marketing prank?

If you plan the change of agency with a premium claim regarding exciting changes to your company's appearance, the relaunch can also be used optimally in terms of marketing. For example, one of the first tasks of the new agency could be to create excitement among prospective customers of your company. Because Curiosity generates clicks and ideally sales!

Interested in a new and delightfully better level of marketing? If you are planning to change advertising agency, we at Thorit would be pleased to receive a Request from you. Maybe you and we are the perfect match? Take advantage of our invitation to an initial consultation, which we will arrange for you without obligation and free of charge!


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