Upselling through marketing automation and intelligent product recommendations

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From customers Existing customers is a great art. Thereby the Upselling plays an important role. The customer is not only motivated to make a single purchase, but also receives im Following the purchase other, matching the purchased product, Product recommendations. In doing so, you can make this work much easier and more efficient through targeted marketing automation. Well structured, many customers can benefit from Follow-up purchases be convinced.

The customer journey does not end with the first sale

Often it is in the Online marketing so that most Sales tunnel strongly on the first salein other words, direct conversion. But this is clearly not enough. The customer journey does not end with the purchase of a product. This point represents only one more stage of the Customer Journey and should be treated accordingly. After all, the customer has been convinced to buy from this company.

If the purchase modalities are right and the customer is also satisfied with the product and the service, you can win the customer as an existing customer.

Accordingly, this means that the customer after the sale again to the marketing is allocated and they can work towards the next sale.

Keeping the customer loyal to the company even after purchase

The shape of the Customer loyalty is particularly important in this day and age. Thanks to the immense great competition on the net and thanks to the very large Availability of the most diverse goods on the market, customers today have hardly any company loyalty.

The aim is to bind the customer to the company and turn him into an existing customer. This can be achieved through many different mechanisms. In addition to various Discount promotions for existing customers The most important thing is to Maintain direct customer relationship.

Marketing automation facilitates upselling

This customer care is facilitated by the Targeted upselling, i.e. the further sale of suitable products. In doing so, you can specifically focus your company on the Marketing Automation and use them as a supplement to acquire new customers. Because the principle is also similar for prospective existing customers.

The aim is to use the existing data and facts to address the customer in a targeted and active manner at every point of the current customer journey. The content used for this is based on an existing database.

Using a comprehensive database

So it is valid the to expand the customer's existing data more and more and to use it effectively. In addition to the various responses to contact requests and mailings also play the Purchases of the customer play an important role. It is imperative that these are stored in the data records, for example, in order to Interest of the customer effectively.

Among other things, this also allows intelligent product recommendations through the Marketing Automation pronounce. A good example here is the wholesaler Amazon, which ends with "Customers who bought Product X also bought" is considered a pioneer in this field.

The larger the Data basis of the various customers, and the better each individual customer is assigned to a target group the easier it will be to use these data to Derive recommendations. Marketing automation software can be fine-tuned for upselling. 

The right timing for marketing automation

Decisive for the lasting success is the Timing of the various marketing measures. Thus, the customer should not be overwhelmed with further purchase offers directly after the purchase. A Customer satisfaction query can be the first step to stay in contact with the customer. Depending on the customer's reactions, the various sales mailings and Advertising mails insert

If possible, these should be relate to the purchase made and to the reaction of the customer. Satisfied customers therefore receive different e-mails and different suggestions during upselling than customers who were dissatisfied with the service or delivery time, for example. This differentiation is important in order to address the largest possible group of customers equally effectively.

Follow-on purchases or upselling - different approaches

It is also important to distinguish between effective upselling and Follow-up purchases be distinguished. An example: A customer has purchased a Vacuum cleaner purchased in your company. He is satisfied with the device. Follow-up purchases would be, for example regular purchases of vacuum cleaner bagswhich are also offered by your company. Are these offered directly by e-mail at the appropriate times, the customer can shop for the items they need with just one click.

Upselling on the other hand, works on a different principle. Here, the customer is offered products that meet the similar to purchased product are, however in a different price range play. Thus, after some time, the customer could be offered as a supplement a Wiping robot are offered. This also fits into the range of household appliances, but is usually much more expensive than a vacuum cleaner.

Use customer impulses and customer impressions

For upselling by means of marketing automation the Customer impulses and the Impressions an important role. It is therefore necessary to monitor the reactions of the customers and the movements of the Track customers on your own website. For example, in the above example, you may find that the customer repeatedly Page of the wiping robots visited and clicks on the available pictures and videos. So it makes sense to sell such a device to the customer by upselling.

Connect this in the context of customer loyalty and the Marketing Automation also still with a matching discount for existing customersThe offer can be made more and more attractive and thus more enticing. This significantly increases the chances of upselling the customer into making another purchase.

Comprehensively complement marketing automation and manual support

Of course, marketing automation is not a magic bullet that guides customers through every step from first contact to purchase. If the Structure strictly logical and is carried out in a well thought-out manner, marketing automation can, however, have a take over the whole part of the tasks. Basically, all boring and repetitive tasks can be automated very well.

The advantage lies above all in the fact that thus the own Employees more time into the direct customer work can invest. Thus, the customer can, for example, in addition to the mails also contacted by phone be made when a sale is in the offing. Also the Handover to the sales team can be done both automatically and manually. Provided that you use the information comprehensively, all options are open to you.

Conclusion: Upselling via Marketing Automation can offer significant advantages

Marketing automation offers the great advantage of fast response times and the effective use of all data available in the system. Thus, such a system can react much more efficiently to a large number of customers and offer suitable interactions for targeted upselling.

The Control and monitoring of the various automated workflows in these cases is the responsibility of the Employeeswhich can still intervene in a regulating manner in the event of problems. However, the number of upsells and repeat sales can be significantly increased through marketing automation.


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