Social Media Monitoring - Tools and Strategies [Guide].


If you or your company are fairly new to social media or have shied away from interacting with it, then you should be able to Analysis tools probably appreciate. Already out of the box offer about Facebook and YouTube The software provides you with a wide range of data and key figures, which are visualized in a handsome analysis.

So it's quite simple? Unfortunately not, because really good social media monitoring needs more sophisticated methods. You can find out why this is the case here.

Be there for your customers - even if they make a mistake...

If we speak of your customers and potential customers in the context of the social web, they are ideally your Followers. Do they approach you or express a critical complaint, you get a Message or are at least @YourCompanyChannel and everything pops up conveniently on your screen. And you are not only promptly informedbut can also react immediately - no extended social media monitoring necessary.

However, this only applies to the ideal case: no good social media plan survives contact with the user.

According to a Study by J.D. Power Two-thirds of all users contact companies via social mediabut often in suboptimal ways. Your social media monitoring needs to find a way to interact even if you are not put in the @ or your name has a Spelling mistake contains. So you can Track trends faster, have more and better data and filter out the really important ones from the potential millions of sources.

Social media monitoring is therefore a essential weapon in the modern marketing toolkit for a functional appearance in the social networks. Regardless of content distribution via web, YouTube comments, Twitter and Facebook, you can use a comprehensive social media analysis a Listening strategy develop from which you Avoid crises and shitstorms can and quickly and efficiently Discover suitable advertising channels and influencers can.

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What does social media monitoring do in concrete terms?

If you have a social media Analysis perform, then collect Data at a time X and evaluate them. This is an absolutely valid strategy, but with monitoring you achieve more.

The in the German translation unfortunately lost meaning of the Progressives is crucial for this:

Social media monitoring is a continuous process and thus provides you with insight into comments, opinions, complaints and opinion formation about your company at any point in time.

Only in the casual slang of the Ruhr district could this be translated linguistically: "Your company is monitoring the social networks."

Independent of these linguistic methods, however, the process is also tangible in Germany. For example, you can access various tools (in a mostly Paid version) to fall back on.

Great, established tools are:

Become more influential and find problematic contributions and criticism

In German Social media monitoring and Social Media Listening are often used synonymously. Therefore, we will only briefly mention the actual differences here. The monitoring Collects the large data sets such as likes, retweets, and comments, and merges them into one collection. In Listening, you look at Trends, alignments and identify commonalities of all mentions.

From this you develop StrategiesFor example, you can find out what users dislike about your brand. Or you can find out which brand-related hashtags are used by potential influencers and micro-influencers.

Social media monitoring is the first step to creating cohesive and functional influencer marketing with online personalities that truly fit your brand.

Why is this so important? While around three quarters of all users use the Influencer opinions trustit's not even one-third for ads. Young users in particular trust the opinion of influencers across all social media channels.

Social media listening allows you to to find really suitable influencers, which provides the most Large intersection with the interests of your customers have. And you can do this much more precisely with targeted monitoring than by collecting hashtags, because that's how you capture all posts and comments.

Even if something does not go as desired, customers expect a reaction from you as a company. Especially in the social networks, people like and often also let off steam disproportionately. No customer service, no matter how competent, can keep track of this. As a result, snowballs form avalanches before you can react. Keeping an eye on this, even if the message is not exclusively directed at @yourcompany, is crucial in such cases. Automatic notifications keep you informed and allow you to react flexibly and precisely.

Go broad in social media and narrow in your segment

Many companies are setting their sights on the social media You can't and shouldn't afford to put on blinkers. Social media monitoring allows you to do so, Develop a broader view and in short periods of time and long periods of time alike at easy to evaluate and broad analyses to come.

For example, start a comprehensive campaign from Facebook to Twitter to YouTube to Tik Tok, then you also need a Comprehensive analysis of all reactions on your brand before, during and after the campaign.

You can only celebrate success across the board if you also analyze across the board.

At the same time take a look behind the metrics of your number of likes, you also look with monitoring at critical comments And can act. For your influencer marketing consider Cross-channel interactions and engagement statistics and keep an eye on whether your work perceived positively or negatively and not just after your campaign has already run its course.

So successful marketing in social media today means "Big Brother is monitoring you!" - and in this context you can dare to be the big brother.

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