Use marketing automation to monitor success


At Setting up marketing campaigns and in the planning of new strategies, the importance of Marketing Automation already known. But the automation of processes can also be used in the Success control be used efficiently.

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Once automation processes have been set in motion, they generate new data and can be evaluated statistically. Furthermore, the statistics also provide information about the Achieving the goals along the planning timeline. Here's what you need to know about measuring success with marketing automation.

Automation as a powerful tool

Automated marketing via various communication channels such as e-mail and SMS, as well as via the dynamic integration of new Content areas and landing pages generates not only Leadsbut also strengthens the Customer loyalty.

People who regularly hear about a company or brand and perceive it as a competence partner are more likely to share content, use affiliate programs, or recommend the brand themselves.

However, these dynamics also result in Opportunities far beyond the impact of the campaign itself. Marketing automation becomes a tool to Customer data grouped and statistically evaluated. Campaigns trackable online generate extensive statistics that can be dissected and applied to new concepts.

Marketing automation is therefore the perfect tool for Plan successes, to track and To be evaluated. Especially via Google and Social media campaigns, the head start you achieve as an entrepreneur through the data made available can hardly be offset. Yet only a few companies consciously work with the newly gained knowledge. Why is that?

Automation does not require autonomous processes

At Thorit, we see time and time again how our customers view marketing automation as a Solution that will enable them to further Campaign planning and automates processes in the long term, without having to intervene again.

But marketing automation requires not only a extensive planning but must also be supported by constant monitoring be kept on course. It's not for nothing that we define a roadmap around every campaign, specifying which goals should be achieved and when. If we deviate from this roadmap, even the calculated success is no longer achievable without course correction.

In practice, this means that Success control and marketing automation are closely linked and only regular evaluations can indicate to your company when a strategy is not working.


You are planning the expansion of your Content offer. The content is supposed to be available via a Newsletter advertised at weekly intervals. But at the same time, customers receive newsletters about specials, updates and their own orders. In the worst case, the customer now receives 4 to 5 mails from you per week. This penetration moves you to some customers in the automatic Spam filter, other customers update their preferences and receive no newsletter more, a third group deletes its user account. Without monitoring miss this important development.

Streamline campaigns through monitoring and comparison

However, success control does not only mean, Detect errors in the automation. Also your Long term goals are subject to performance reviews.

Through your new strategy, you would like to improve the Increase sales by 20%. These 20% are to be used exclusively via the new content are achieved. This can be measured. The statistical development of sales through the Clicks on newsletters and landing pages provides information on whether your campaign is being accepted.

These steps are necessary for Implementation of an automatic success control indispensable:

  1. Collect all current promotional activities for overview.
  2. Stop all measures that show almost no interaction.
  3. Find the most successful measures and visualize their numbers.
  4. Finally, scale all other marketing media to the level of the successful means and align them with the success factors.
  5. Repeat this process regularly.

Plan success control with Thorit

Our agency can help you with Success control with Marketing Automation and for you Visualize data and statistics. Talk to us about your Targets and together we identify a Strategythat fits your company.

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Thorit has been for many years the Marketing and digitization partner for small and medium-sized businesses that want to reach new audiences through online advertising or develop strategies to expand their business. We plan, monitor and correct your campaigns and accompany you with transparent advice at eye level.


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