Artificial intelligence (AI) for marketing


No utopia - artificial intelligence in marketing is already a reality today.


However, many marketers miss the trend while waiting for the perfect AI application. We explain why you should consider artificial intelligence in marketing now and how the industry will change.


Making sense of artificial intelligence in marketing

What can AI do today? If German companies have their way, it can answer simple support questions at most. Today, chatbots can be found as a matter of course on every company website and often only offer the option of redirecting to a support employee after input.

Now that international corporations have long Machine Learning work and Deep Learning Networks are already available portably, that is a meager yield. The artificial intelligenceAI, for short, could provide excellent services in marketing if it were allowed to.

What is Machine Learning? Source: OxfordSparks

Opportunities for AI use in marketing

In everyday life today, customers and consumers deal with AI all the time. Most of the time, they don't even notice it. Automatically generated website content, algorithms when shopping, and web searches via Alexa and Siri have arrived in the middle of society. Nobody thinks anymore about how the driving assistance assistant in the car recognizes, calculates and checks the route. As a marketing expert, however, you should think about it.

For the advertising industry, this is the key to automated sales.

After the Gartner Hype Cycle for 2017 the forecast predicts a peak in AI technology for 2027. What this peak will look like is still completely open today. If we think back to 2008, the technology in use today seemed to be the Automation in marketing practically impossible at the time. The early 2000s were the age of the newsletter.

At that time, retargeting took place according to fixed calendar cycles in order to generate constant traffic. However, traffic as a buzzword was far from being the focus of online marketing. The peak of the artificial intelligence The industry should therefore not wait and see, but play an active role in shaping the future.

Artificial intelligence in marketing today

You use the artificial intelligence in marketing already, but mostly unconsciously. For example, it determines which advertising is displayed to which customer according to their interests. The marketing expert makes a preselection, for example, according to rough areas of interest and region.

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However, the AI has the final say, recognizing when the content might pay off. In this way, ads can not only be played out, but also used again and again in retargeting. The website and app can be automatically adapted to the user via AI. The AI reads out how the user has used other apps in the past.

Dynamic price adjustments, predicted convenient customer service, and model analytics get to know the customer and prospect better every day. The more advanced AI is, the more intelligently it recognizes the data that is actually relevant. Today stands for artificial intelligence in marketing The reason for this is that there is often too much data available.

To put it simply, every second a user spends on the web leaves behind two footprints and two handprints.

It is in the programming of the algorithm how the artificial intelligence controls marketing on the basis of these masses of data. For example, does it recognize when a user rates a topic negatively and still searches?


Employees schools, reduce doubts

Fear of Automation and digitization is something the Germans have had for some years now. The lack of competence can already be found in school curricula, which often still teach the state of computer science from the 1990s. The distrust of technology then accompanies people into their everyday working lives. According to surveys, few employees receive training here.

Further training on the effective use of Social media, AI and Google Assistant algorithms would be urgently needed. Instead, some companies are still trying to resist digitally accepting contracts and cancellations, persistently sending out print ads or relying on advertising campaigns in urban areas.

Artificial intelligence must not completely replace offline marketing, of course. Today, we are nowhere near the point where AI can conduct customer conversations better than a sales representative. But B2B marketing in particular would benefit from lean processes in all areas. Your business customers know exactly what they need.

The AI can Email marketing and support can be easily adapted to these needs. So instead of saying "This page uses cookies," you may soon have to tell your customers that their entire purchase is automated.

Is artificial intelligence taking over marketing completely?

A concern that artificial intelligence in marketing and other industries is that at some point, human employees will no longer be needed. However, studies have shown that creative job profiles in particular cannot easily be filled digitally. So let AI take over the time-intensive work, such as creating product pages or providing buying advice. This gives you more time for exciting advertising campaigns that will be remembered.

Leverage AI with the help of marketing automation software

This support from AI can be achieved with the help of Marketing Automation Software realize. While basic settings and campaign concepts must first be created by an employee, the software takes over the subsequent work with the help of algorithms. The AI tracks and analyzes the behavior of each contact and can through Machine learning to predict buying behavior. Thus, the (potential) customer is provided with personalized products and advertising messages presented to which he is most likely to respond and complete the purchase.

With the help of AI in Marketing Automation Software can Customer preferences and Purchase forecasts and maximize the likelihood of a purchase. In addition, the Resource utilization optimized for your marketing activities.

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Don't miss out on the opportunities AI offers you for your marketing! The best way to do this is to use the #1 All in one Marketing Automation from SALESmanago. Because SALESmanago is Europe's largest marketing automation software with more than 10,000 satisfied customers around the world. You can easily test the functions of SALESmanago with integrated AI free of charge and without obligation for 30 days. Dare to take the step into the future now!



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