7 tips for choosing a CRM system


A CRM system is one option available to companies for better customer management. Contrary to what is often thought, it is aimed Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is not exclusively aimed at large companies. Small and medium-sized companies can also benefit if they make a good selection.

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CRM system for companies: Who actually needs it?

A CRM solution is not right for every business. A simple online store, for example, doesn't have the necessary prerequisites. But if you extensive projects prevail in the team and thereby great value on customer relationships with a long-term perspective it can help you. Consultants, coaches and agencies are typical user groups that get the most out of CRM software. The reason: these service providers depend on customers, once acquired, to turn to them again. Optimally, again and again over many years.

What are the advantages of a CRM system?

A software-supported Customer Relationship Management takes hold where the human brain fails. Let's assume that one of your employees advised a customer six months ago who is now approaching you again. But he expects you not to have to repeatedly explain basic details about his background, needs or expectations. Your employee, however, can hardly remember the customer. Instead, there is a handwritten note with the most important data in some folder, but it is not particularly informative.

A CRM system makes it better. Relevant information can be clearly entered into the software. You can refer back to it in case of later queries. This makes it quick and easy for all employees at the plant to familiarize themselves with each case and to most important data at hand in a short time to have. Since the system can be connected to the Internet, authorized access is possible from anywhere in the world. Your counterpart feels valued and taken seriously, which strengthens the relationship. Your company also saves a lot of time. It appears more competent and secure.

The 6 most important advantages at a glance

Customer Relationship Management
A CRM system offers many advantages (Source: thoughtleadersystems.com)

1. Optimize communication between employees and teams in your company.
2. keep the Overview of all activities to date at Sales and marketing.
3. check at any time and from any location all previous interactions of your company with the customers.
4. find not only new customers, but also keep them even in the long term.
5. Strengthen and intensify You the Relationships to your existing customers.
6. increase the Number of sales of your products or services.

7 tips for choosing a CRM system

You want to do it with a digital Customer Relationship Management try? When choosing your CRM, you should consider a few facts, which we will explain in more detail in the following tips.

1st choice: Cloud or On-Premise?

When selecting a CRM system these two options are open to you. A cloud or SaaS solution is aimed at those companies that can't or don't want to run their own servers. This has advantages. For example, you don't need any special expertise, but you must always maintain access to the Internet. An on-premise solution, on the other hand, requires its own server. This makes you more independent.

2. the range of functions

As with any software, it also comes to a CRM system on the inner values. Provider for CRM systems therefore implement different functions. It is important to look closely. Many tools are broadly positioned to appeal to as many companies as possible. However, it makes more sense for you if the software is scalable. Basically, the rule "less is more" should also be applied in this area.

3. open partner for other softwares

Many companies today use multiple programs, for example, software for accounting and a CMS system for the company website. Some CRM providers allow their systems to connect with other popular programs. Digital exports and imports make data exchange between such tools easy and fast. Application integration is therefore advisable as an additional function.

4. special CRM systems for industries

Consultants, coaches, agencies - industries like these derive the greatest benefit from systems. CRM vendors know this and create solutions that are specific to certain business sectors. If there are such programs for your line of business, you should choose them over others.

5. attention: DSGVO

A frequently cited criticism of CRM systems is data protection. However, a few years ago the European Union formulated the highest criteria with the DSGVO, to which companies are legally bound. A high-quality CRM solution is data protection compliant and offers you some additional functions for this purpose. You should definitely use these.

6. test first, then buy

Complex software can be expensive. But especially in the business sector, it is not always clear before the purchase whether the solution really fits the company. In addition, it is possible that a tool does not deliver what the providers have promised. Fortunately, you can find to many CRM systems free trial versions that you can try out and get to know at your leisure in your company. Some of these are slimmed down and then only have a limited scope. In this case, we advise you to have the software shown to you.

7. familiarize yourself competently

Even after an extensive on-site test at your company or a demonstration by a software reseller, you are not yet an expert on the CRM system. In many cases, however, the lack of expertise becomes a real shortcoming. Take countermeasures and assign an employee to attend a training course. Such offers can be found frequently and help to master the system perfectly.


Many reasons speak for the use of CRM systems. But the choice is difficult. We hope to help you in your search with our seven tips. You have the opportunity to ask us your questions. Feel free to also use our whitepaper download to dig deeper into the topic.

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