Gamification in marketing: potential of playful content


Gamification is an approach to deliver more sophisticated content on playful way to convey. As Advertiser you can use gamification in marketing to Convince target groups of their brands or campaigns. Brand Analysis Template: The Foundation for Your Digital Marketing Strategy - Download Template Gamification knows numerous forms depending on the content to be conveyed and the marketing goals pursued. From the New customer acquisition until the permanent Customer loyalty Gamification makes a powerful contribution to marketing.

Gamification at a Overview: Definition and application

Gamification has been used in research and business for several years now. What the various gamification approaches have in common is that they convey complex contents in a playful way want. Users (for example, your customers) should be able to understand contexts in a playful way.

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Gamification example from Oracle

In terms of marketing, this also allows innovative, unusual products that require explanation to be communicated. In the process of playful communication, the relationship of your potential customers to the products should also grow. This is in the further course a contribution to the Customer loyalty.

Gamification appeals to the empathy of those being wooed and is aimed in particular at young people who like to experiment.

The form of the customer relationship can be designed in different ways. One possibility is to bridge dry content with stimulating, playful execution. Game designers use the method to, for example Simplify complex decision-making using playful elements.

Gamification and its marketing potential

In marketing and advertising, gamification is used in connection with Motivation increase Application. Gamified profiling is a target group-related method for addressing specific customer groups and getting to know them better. Based on the insights gained, the following are more accurate customer profiles possible, which as a result still better address enable

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Gamification's potential for marketing (Image:

A special feature of gamified profiling is that the method nt just for people with an affinity for games refers. The method allows you to address also and especially those customers who are normally not very familiar with games. One challenge, therefore, is to Games easily consumable and also the target group design intuitively.

Elements and cornerstones of Gamified Marketing

Gamification methods and techniques are very versatile. Nevertheless, certain elements can be generalized as components. They are used in almost every gamification application.

Quizzes and tests

On the one hand, smaller tasks or tests can be used to Disseminate information and on the other hand Fun to play generate. In addition, you can, for example, within the framework of a quiz also learn a lot about the user. Through his answers to specific questions, you can thus raise the profile of your target audience, while the user is uncomplicated and fun to complete your quiz.


In gamification, rankings serve on the one hand to Motivation and on the other hand a more intensive engagement with the contents. Your potential customers will have an incentive to look deeply into the information and elements of the game, and in this way Become experts.

Sense and story

Functioning gamification relies almost fundamentally on a certain Sense of purpose and a deeper story behind the game. Users want to know why they are participating in the game and what goal they are working towards. Therefore, this tool also relies on Feedback functionsthat interact with users, for example, imparting tips and tricks. This contributes to a certain motivation to learn.

Purpose and objective

The main goal of gamification for you as an advertiser is the Obtaining target group information, the Content mediation and finally the Customer acquisition. Gamification is therefore specified and aimed at a specific purpose.

Depending on your objectives, you need to develop and adapt your gamified content accordingly.

Gamification and Marketing goals

Gamification can contribute to the achievement of a number of marketing of goals. These include:

  • Increase of the Awareness level of your company or a brand
  • Market and Opinion research
  • Crowdsourcing
  • Influence of the Behavior
  • Increase the Customer loyalty
  • Recruitment new talents

Opinion and Market research

Market research knows numerous connecting factors for gamification. The Knowledge of the market and the target group is one of the most important tasks for companies. The motivation of the target group to participate in corresponding surveys increases through playful elements.

profiling quizzes
Gamified profiling for opinion and market research (Image: Antavo)

The Questionnaires from opinion research institutes or online surveys are perceived by many users as dry and uninteresting. By upgrading in the form of gamification elements, larger samples can be inspire for participation. Furthermore, with Gamified Profiling you have the possibility to precisely evaluate the activities of the users.

Insights gained can inform future campaigns and other marketing efforts.

Customer loyalty

There is a tendency for customers to choose from a wide range of products and services. only briefly deal with certain brands or products. The competition offers numerous alternatives that can be just as interesting. It is becoming increasingly difficult to communicate unique selling propositions effectively. The cause lies on the one hand in the Sensory overload through communicative marketing measures.

Another cause is found in the greater customer focus on experience and fun. The desire to actively participate is growing in comparison to the pure desire to consume. This is another area where companies can use well thought-out gamification to participate more in the lives of potential customers.

Gamification in Human Resources Marketing

Also the Recruitment of new talent or the retention of existing employees are task areas that can benefit from gamification. In recruiting, many companies make use of the Gamification, to bring potential applicants closer to information about the company and convince them of the company's advantages.

Gamification takes place in the Human Resources Marketing Use in the form of Recruitainment or Online Assessment. Concrete methods include playful career orientation tests or study orientation tests, which are particularly popular with training companies.

With the help of gamified profiling, companies continue to gain Inference about the behavior of potential new talent in specific situations. This narrows down the selection and directs the focus to a more specific target group, which in turn can be addressed more precisely.

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