To create successful forms for Lead generation structure, type of data requested, and also promises behind the transmission play a significant role. Your customers know their contact information has value. With these 7 best practices from our agency experience, you'll increase conversions and decrease bounces during the process.
Make better offers to fill out the forms
Good marketing thrives on high reach. But as an advertising company, you can only contact those prospects who have left you their contact details in some way and have given you the opt-in to do so. Lead generation forms are therefore an obvious tool for reaching more potential customers. But what exactly do the recipients of mailings, newsletters and acquisition calls receive in return?
The first step to place forms for lead generation is a attractive consideration to offer. This can be, for example, a demo of a tool that the prospects would like to work with. A white paper or e-book is also attractive. Incentives such as higher discounts are also enticing. However, a one-time 5-euro voucher or merely the promise "We'll advise you free of charge" is usually not enough to justify depositing personal data. Adjust the scope of the "remuneration" to the value that the Lead generation has for your business and calculate that customers might buy from your business or order services at least once.
Lead generation forms - use fewer fields
When it comes to their lead generation forms, many companies choose to capture as much information as possible. They want to make sure they can reach prospects through all advertising channels. First name, last name, address, mail address, phone number, desired contact time, details about the request, "Do you still have suggestions?" and many other fields are supposed to provide this guarantee.
Keep in mind that you are asking for personal information in lead generation. Prospects will rightly be suspicious if a company they are only partially interested in asks to see their entire resume in exchange for an e-book or giveaway, it feels. Limit yourself to the basics. You need a name, a mail address and maybe a reason of interest, for example a specific software you offer or the brand itself. With this you can work and the customers can sleep peacefully.
Reduce spam or maximize leads?
Captchas are popular. They are so popular that various captcha systems display quizzes, logic questions, or math problems in addition to "find all the traffic lights in the pictures" (Google) and strings in graphs. Your customers don't want to answer quiz questions or solve equations to submit a contact request.
Without captchas, you get more fake and spam requests and useless leads. This is troublesome, but a Study has shown that probably more people cancel because of captchas than without captcha wrong records come in. You have a choice: never meet new customers, or send promotional material to spam addresses once in a while. For most businesses it makes more sense to use the Filter spam and generate more leads.
Reduce interaction time for lead generation
How much time do your prospects typically spend on your website or landing page? Tools like Google Analytics help you view these values. Especially for content where visitors spend significantly less than 1 minute, the time they are willing to spend on forms is also low.
Your form should be able to be filled out and sent in a matter of seconds.
Dropdown menus, buttons and infoboxes as popups instead of redirects offer users the opportunity to save time. Forms for lead generation, for example, can be displayed directly with a dropdown menu, which is why the contact is being searched for. This also allows the mail to be forwarded more quickly to the relevant employees later on.
The auto-complete function should also be usable. Especially in Chrome, many users permanently store their data in order to quickly insert it anywhere on the web.
The faster the form can be sent, the better
Gamification through multi-step forms
Users like to click on large, eye-catching buttons. Use this principle in lead generation as well. Forms that Offer choices and then always jump to the next info not only exclude bots (see Reduce spam), but are also more "exciting" to use. Start by asking prospects for a name and address them by name already in the course of the query. This seems more personal and appeals especially to young people. At the end of the forms, you then ask for a contact address and you've already secured the lead.
Registration as a lead generation form
Can a prospective customer create a customer account on your company site, for example in the online store? Then offer this option again and again during promotions and in return for incentives. Guest access does not give you any additional data, but it can increase sales.