First Party Cookies - Best Practices for the Best User Experience

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Cookies and online marketing - that immediately sounds like the increasingly sparse third-party cookies that should be urgently replaced. But third-party cookies are not the only marketing-relevant cookies.
First party cookies define the user experience visitors will have on your site and make every visit a personalized trip.

Find out which best practices you should use cookies with and how to optimize the experience on your website here.

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First party cookies and third party cookies - the main differences

The term cookies is not only the umbrella term for all sorts of data-storing code snippets, but is casually used primarily as a Synonym for Third Party Cookies used. These cookies usually belong to advertising networks and track user web browsing across multiple pages and apps. More and more browsers or even iOS themselves prevent this tracking and make it somewhat more difficult for marketers to see through the behavior of users. In 2022, Google will follow other browsers such as Safari and Firefox with Chrome, which will be the beginning of the end for third-party cookies.

The result is usually less personalized advertising. On the other hand, there are first-party cookies, which belong directly to the advertising website. As a rule, they are not set by the user, but by the server and loaded with the page via JavaScript.

Third party cookies are stored across networks on all pages a browser visits in a given time period. A first party cookie, on the other hand, is used only on your domain, is stored on the user's computer, and uses only data relevant to your site. This cookie works across different browsers and Improves the user experience above allFor example, language settings, the order and search history in your store or log-ins are stored.

First Party Cookies vs. Third Party Cookies
Cookies can be used to track and optimize customer browsing behavior.(Image:

In short, with the first party cookie goes a certain Convenience for users one that doesn't have to start from scratch with every website visit, but also doesn't have to give up its data to advertising networks.
However, due to these properties, first party cookies are not automatically blocked by browsers.

How to use first party cookies - these are your options

Third party cookies have made life so easy for marketers that many websites have dispensed with server-side storage and collection of data. Those days are now over and websites should work with log-ins whenever it makes sense.

If users create an account, they can not only access personalized content on your site much faster, but the data usage is also covered by the TOS. It is also in the interest of the user to get, for example, relevant products recommended in the newsletter.
This keeps your Marketing personalizedBut you don't have to track across multiple sites - if you still could technically. On the user side, the user experience is much more seamless. Settings are retained, they often no longer have to log in additionally, and there is no longer any need to enter address data when placing an order. The entire user experience is thus streamlined.

Query mails, create accounts

The best and most reliable way to use first party cookies is to use the Create a user account. While you should still allow users to shop without an account, creating an account should be highlighted as a better alternative.
Use percentages on the first purchase or bonus programs for this purpose; classic lead magnets also work brilliantly here.

Use progressive profiling

If users want to order something or subscribe to a newsletter, don't make it a long interview. Companies that ask for too much data at the beginning of the contact are more likely to increase the drop-off rate than the conversion rate.

Progressive profiling is one of the best practices for first party cookies and allows you to get to know customers better over time. Entice them with small surveys or ask questions the next time they log in, always associated with an incentive. For example, you could offer bonus points for completing a survey or ask users to celebrate their birthday with you. This gradually gives you more demographic data, but doesn't overload the initial phase of the customer relationship.

Progressive Profiling can be used to learn more about the customer step by step or visit by visit.
Progressive Profiling can be used to learn more about the customer step by step or visit by visit.(

Automation for campaigns

If you use first party cookies for different campaigns, you should rely on automation that is as precise as possible. This will allow you to use different Better summarize data points and thus get a clearer profile of your users via better cookies.
This automation is even more important here, as you don't have the flood of data from third-party cookies at your disposal.
At the same time, however, you not only improve your marketing data, but also the User Experience of your customers.

Branding through personalization - when user experience and cookies come together

The difference between third and first party cookies is striking, especially for users. While third party cookies are primarily noticeable through more personalized advertising, first party cookies improve the user experience on your site. Potential customers find relevant information, services and goods more quickly and perceive you as a more competent contact.

With this entry point, you can confidently direct users to your social media channels or invite them to participate in surveys, for example. Ultimately, first party cookies are a clear example of how you can manage to be perceived as a personal contact through technically scaling methods.

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A first party cookie means more for you Privacy, more control and more protection for your users. Because data is no longer passed on to advertising networks, you can position yourself as a protective shield from your customers and also argue for what data you need and what you will use it for.
Google's decision to block third-party cookies with Chrome is not the first sign of a network in upheaval. Our newsletter keeps you up to date with all the relevant changes - or you can let us advise you personally on how your company can combine online marketing, data protection and automation.



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