[Guide] How to improve the customer experience through marketing automation


Marketing automation can optimize your workflow in many ways. With the right settings, the appropriate Software and some experience you can through automated processes take over many tasks that would otherwise have to be done manually. This in turn allows your employees more time for core tasks. But not only Comfort, Speed and Efficiency are promises that marketing automation can already deliver today. Also the Customer Experience can be improved by using the right marketing automation tools. Our article reveals what this can look like in concrete terms and which strategies you can already incorporate into your marketing today.

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Marketing automation and customer experience - it just fits

The term Customer Experience is being used more and more frequently, but precisely because it covers such a comprehensive field, we would like to outline it again here. After all, customer experience describes not only the points at which customers interact with your company, but also a general brand perception. How well known is your Fire, what impression does your Websitehow fast does your Customer Support and, of course, the quality of the delivered product. All these factors form the framework of the customer experience

Even with the use of comprehensive marketing automation, you can only dedicate yourself to a small part of this experience. But for customers, it makes the experience with your company more personal, easier, faster.

This applies, for example, to potential customers browsing your website. A well-functioning automation can send mails and reminders when goods have been added to the shopping cart or product details have been viewed. Instead of offering generic information in newsletters, you can specifically target relevant information offer on the products that customers are really interested in.

Automation can also offer a better customer experience after conversion. For example, you can reward repeat customers with loyalty programs and personalize product recommendations to suit your shoppers' tastes.

Marketing automation data allows you to plan much more personalized campaigns and your potential customers know they are in good hands with you.

Practical examples of automation in the customer experience

The points in the customer journey where you can increase your use of automation vary from company to company. However, you should always keep in mind that automation makes your customers feel comfortable with every interaction, appreciated and personally perceived to become. In some very concrete examples, we will show you how this works.

The importance of marketing automation for the customer-centric customer experience is increasing (Source: marketing.com)

Automation in Customer Relationship Management

If you want to build a lasting relationship with a large number of leads and customers, you can get around a CRM database is no way around it. In these databases, you collect, store, and analyze all relevant data and interactions with leads, potential customers, and brand ambassadors. This allows you to see at a glance where they are in the sales funnel.

Marketing automation allows you to tailor Trigger for all relevant actions at every point of the customer journey set. This allows you to easily write personal messages that are relevant to the prospects.

An example: A contact in your database has a set Lead Score achieved. The responsible sales employee is informed via automation. They can see directly in the CRM which products or services the potential customer is interested in. This enables them to create an offer that is precisely tailored to the customer's needs.

Collect feedback and optimize processes

In some places, you can analyze and evaluate data and optimize your marketing that way. In other places, it's better to ask customers directly.
Here, too, the right amount of marketing automation can help you to right questions to the right target group and better segment your contacts.

Customer loyalty
Marketing automation lets you gather feedback from your contacts at the right time (Source: hubspot.com)

Through automation you can Surveys after conversion or after a longer period of time in the newsletter subscription. In short, marketing automation offers you many opportunities to optimize the customer experience throughout the entire sales funnel.

Individualize content marketing

Whatever industry you operate in, you will always offer a broad portfolio of products and services that are suitable for entirely various target groups function.
And that is of course also reflected in your Content Marketing again. Here, too, automation should take effect so that potential customers really see the content that is crucial for you.

If you're looking for a sofa, you won't want to read articles about cabinets. Through marketing automation Recommend users directly to the appropriate content and at the same time show your expertise in this area.

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Automation in event management

This point is of crucial importance, especially for B2B companies, because via a connection to Webinar platforms you can see at a glance which customers and partners are attending your events.

The Knowledge about the participants makes it all the easier for you, Follow Ups and still keep all those who missed the event up to date.

Conclusion - Automation puts the focus on people

Marketing automation tools can help you sustainably improve your brand reputation. Automation makes it possible for your Marketing closer to the customers and whose Wishes in the center - with the right information even before your leads know exactly what they want in the first place. And the best part:

The larger your database and the more intensively you deal with segmentation through automation, the better you can plan automated processes.


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