Customer Behavior Analysis - how customer data can help you

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How can your company combine privacy and customer data? How can your company develop a better sense of its own customers without having to poke around in their digital privacy? A good Customer Behavior Analysis is the key to making your marketing all Optimize specifically for your clientele. Because, of course, you do not need to know who is in your Online Shop browses or accessed your page on social media - you just need to know how these potential customers behave.

This process offers you the possibility to customize your Improve service and quite to gain specific insightsn what your customers actually want to see from you.
This guide shows you how Customer Behavior Analysis works in practice and how customer data can help you improve your marketing.

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Compile a Customer Behavior Analysis - from the most relevant factors

Exactly how you build Customer Behavior Analysis of your clientele varies from company to company. But there are some Key factorswhich you should use as a guide and which will help you to make an comprehensive analysis and improve your marketing accordingly.

Respond appropriately to your customers' consumer behavior using Customer Behavior Analysis.
Respond appropriately to your customers' consumer behavior - with the help of Customer Behavior Analysis (Fig:

The right visitors through SEO

The most commonly used data in a Customer Behavior Analysis are age, gender, place of residence or a prospect table. For example, you can use a Customer persona work and sharpen your SEO that way, after all, you'd rather have the right visitors than more clicks while maintaining conversions.

Learn to distinguish between bounce and exit rate

Too often, bounce and exit rate are blithely mixed as if they were one and the same. But visitors who leave your site immediately and visitors who exit after browsing for a while need to be treated fundamentally differently.

Bounce and exit rate should ideally be low

High bounce rates indicate poor optimization for your target audience, high exit rates usually mean that you failed to inspire at second glance.

Check by interests with Affinity Visitors

How would you categorize your website visitors? Fashion-conscious, interested in technology or looking for news from your industry? A precise knowledge around the interests of your visitors will help you to Content Marketing target your clientele specifically. On the other hand, if you get traffic from an interest group that is less likely to convert with you, you should rethink the relevant content. Even if the numbers are right.

Analyze and engage with the interests of their website visitors.
Analyze and engage with the interests of their website visitors (Image:

In Market Visitors find

Which website visitors are searching for your services or are currently conducting targeted research? These clicks come from In Market VisitorsThe most important ones are the ones with the highest chance of conversion and the ones that send the clearest signals.
Your Social Media Marketing and your content should be tailored for these potential customers. This will increase your site's retention rate, your reputation as a company with industry expertise, your reach, and ultimately your sales.

Retention vs. number of visitors

Your search engine optimization should never think broadly, but work to the top. Part of the customer behavior analysis should therefore be to probe random visitors with high bounce rates and analyze what went wrong.
What were these visitors looking for, how did they find you, and why did they bail immediately?
Your marketing should be clearly aimed at minimizing such random clicks and focusing on the people you are most likely to help.

Look, click, bounce

If you want to look at every page on your website, you can focus on a few metrics to simplify your optimization.
Pages that have been viewed frequently and have a long dwell time give you an important boost in content marketing for content that runs well.
The pages with the highest bounce rate seem to promise something different than they offer, and pages with high exit rates end the sales funnel prematurely. Here you could use the Optimize content or else with targeted offers and clear CTA set the course for future success.

Analyze bounce and exit rates and optimize content marketing based on them.
Analyze bounce and exit rates and optimize content marketing based on them (Image:

But the most relevant pages are those with the most engagements and the highest conversion rates. Your website should be designed to lead to these pages faster, thereby generating leads and converting products.

The page(s) per visit

In this respect, optimization is like pruning a bonsai: say goodbye to the weakest branches to strengthen healthier branches.
If you notice that visitors only visit a few pages per visit, you should remove the weakest performing pages. Keep in mind that very few customers go straight to conversion with just a few clicks.

The more pages viewed on your website, the greater the interest and the higher the chance of conversion.

Responsive Design as part of Customer Behavior Analysis

That Responsive Design belongs to every good website and has a massive impact on the Google Ranking of your site should be self-evident. But a comprehensive Customer Behavior Analysis can also help you optimize your Responsive Design even further.

To do this, analyze how your site performs when visited from different devices. Does the User Experience even on mobile devices as desired? Is your site aimed at professional end users, but you hardly get any clicks from desktop devices?

Knowing what devices your customers use and how to target them is a critical success factor.

PowerPoint Template: Effective Marketing Thanks to Customer Journey Map - Download

How you can optimize your marketing with customer data

With a Customer Behavior Analysis, you use a tool that gives you a better understanding of your customers granted. Marketing is communication and with a Customer Behavior Analysis you can read between the lines of your clientele. This involves subtle signals, but answering hard-hitting questions: Why do customers buy from you? Which social and media factors play a role in the purchase decision? What lifestyle do your customers cultivate and how quickly is the decision to buy made. Customer Behavior Analysis goes much further here than a questionnaire, for example, because you don't have to rely on subjective answers, but rather objective numbers receive



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