Content marketing and marketing automation - an effective combination


The Generation of qualitative leads can be accomplished in many ways, one particularly effective method being the combination of content marketing and marketing automation. Content Marketing is convincing due to its high performance and great success. So it is not surprising that more and more companies increasingly rely on high-quality content and thus address the customers optimally. However, too much potential is still being lost. Through Marketing Automation in combination with content marketing, these weak points can be eliminated.

Enormously strong lead generation through marketing automation

Marketing Automation offers the advantage of short response time and the effective lead generation.

Both in the B2B and B2C sectors, tremendous success can be achieved through a targeted combination of inbound marketing, content marketing, and marketing automation. Ordered and structured communication across all content assets of the different target groups can be effectively achieved through this combination.

However, companies must also be prepared to follow this path consistently.

The learning curve in this area is necessary

Unlike classic marketing solutions, there are no tried-and-tested paths and universally valid solutions for this combination yet. If companies have not yet taken this path, it is a thoroughly courageous step into a new world.

But as a company, that also means giving your own marketing department a Learning curve must trust. For the latter must and may make mistakes in this process, provided that effectively learned from these mistakes will be. Only in this way can the chance of a lasting improvement and corresponding functionality be achieved at all.

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The prerequisites of content marketing automation

If you have in your company the Content Marketing Automation you would like to use, however, you should also consider some fundamental prerequisites fulfill.

1. a meaningful and clearly defined customer journey:

The individual touchpoints have a significant impact on your content marketing campaigns and must therefore be very clearly defined. These form the basis for any marketing automation. The shorter the Customer Journey all the more demanding, since the Customers must be reached optimally at every touchpoint, to achieve the highest possible effect.

2. the target group:

Think of the Definition of the different buyer personas for the individual target groups. Because these form the basis for effective content marketing.

Content without relevance and added value can reach the groups no matter how well, the content will not work.

Moreover, the better the persona is defined, the more effectively it can be addressed by content marketing automation.

3. the goals:

Many companies actually forget the goals. But one clear target definition is important, simply in order to be able to Success to be able to evaluate them. So define goals that are to be achieved through content marketing automation. The more clearly these goals are defined and the more intermediate goals there are, the more effectively the marketing automation measures can be evaluated.

4. the database:

A well-filled and enriched with information Customer database is worth its weight in gold. If it's not there, marketing automation starts much slower. If one is in place, your company can draw from the full range when it comes to content marketing.

Questions when choosing the right marketing automation software

If you have a Suitable software for the combination of content marketing and marketing automation different factors play an important role. With the aid of this small and clear checklist, you can quickly check whether the Software is a possibility for you:

  • What is the current Content strategy of our company?
  • Which Targets is to be achieved through the new marketing automation?
  • If the values defined by us Touchpoints before?
  • Do we have for each Target group created the corresponding persona?
  • Which Measures in content marketing should be taken over by marketing automation?
  • Which Functions do we absolutely need with the software?
  • Is our company large and successful enough for such a solution? Do we have the Cost-benefit factor checked?
  • If there is already a Customer database with relevant entries?

As you can see, there are many points to consider and many areas to highlight if you want to amplify the success of content marketing through marketing automation.

Review, revise, and reengineer processes for optimal customer engagement

As already mentioned above, errors do occur in marketing automation. This is also due to the fact that many people think that software solutions cannot make mistakes. In fact, it is primarily a question of practice and the direct learning processeswhich have helped marketing automation to achieve its great Success has helped us. Take advantage of these opportunities in your company as well.

They can be used by A/B tests and various other test procedures to examine content marketing in the content marketing automation segment and thus familiarize themselves with the entire subject matter before the process is also integrated into active business.

Use A/B testing to effectively test content marketing and marketing automation for success
Use A/B testing to effectively test content marketing and marketing automation for success

In the next step, you could use marketing automation for a smaller target group first and gain more experience in this area. The closer you are to practice in the trials, the larger the steps of the learning curve will be.

If the entire marketing automation is set up in such a way that it supports content marketing and uses it in a targeted manner, you can use the process throughout the entire marketing segment of your company. By expanding to all relevant target groups, individual errors can still occur, but these can often be quickly eliminated through the experience gained in advance.

Taking content marketing and marketing automation to a new level

It is important to use a suitable software solution for content marketing automation. The current No. 1 on the market in the area of all-in-one marketing automation is the SALESmanago software. This is because SALESmanago is Europe's largest marketing automation software, which can already look back on more than 10,000 customers worldwide. The simple and uncomplicated use of the various tools and possibilities and also the clear structure of the software have quickly made it known on the market.

In addition, you have the possibility of Test software free of charge and absolutely without obligation for the duration of 30 days. Enough time to check and test the link between content marketing and marketing automation. So get started now and benefit from the powerful combination of marketing automation and content marketing!

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