How to develop appropriate content along the customer journey

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Every customer goes through a series of decision-making processes before making a final decision. The route from the first contact to the final Purchase decision and Customer loyaltyis referred to in the jargon as the customer journey. However, in order for the destination of the journey to be reached at all, it requires suitable content along the way. While it is possible to track exactly what customers are interested in and what clicks they make, the paths this creates are as individual as the customers themselves. The challenge now is to deliver the right content at each stop.

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Content and user behavior

Contents for the Customer Journey means placing the right content in the right place at the right time. To do this, you first have to Analyze the behavior of prospects and customers in detail us. This is the only way to precisely track their "itinerary," which in turn allows conclusions to be drawn about which content is of particularly high relevance. On this basis, companies can develop a Content marketing strategy develop to consistently create content that picks up users exactly where they are at the moment.

Content and the Customer Journey
With appropriate content, you can guide the customer journey and reach potential customers (Image:

Points of contact in view

In the course of every customer journey, there are points at which the user interacts with the content in some way. This interaction may involve reading through a text, watching a video, filling out a form, or using an application. These points are referred to as Touchpoints and special attention should be paid to them, because they are where the user makes decisions.

Only if the content is compelling, useful and helpful, the user will stay and continue the journey.

Accordingly, the requirements for the corresponding content should also be set correspondingly high. They should provide the user with On the one hand a solution offer on the other hand, a positive image of the company or brand. convey. Now, not all content is equally suitable for every customer, which is why it is essential, Conduct a target group analysis in advance.

Only if you know as precisely as possible for whom the content is to be created can you succeed in generating sustained interest.

The central questions are therefore aimed at determining who exactly belongs to the target group and what this target group is really interested in. In addition, it plays a role when and under what circumstances members of the target groups are interested in certain content and via which channel it should be conveyed. After all, the touchpoints are not just on the company's own website, but also in social media, for example.

Customer Journey in the Model: Moment of Truth

The customer journey can be divided into individual phases and thus represented schematically very well. Several models have been developed in the past for the purpose of visualization. The best-known model was developed by Procter&Gamble, is called Moments of Truth, and divides the customer journey into three phases:

1. stimulus
2. first moment of truth
3. second moment of truth

Stimulus is the phase in which the Attracted the attention of the potential customer will be. This can be a classic TV commercial, a banner ad on a website, or the video of a Influencers act. If this stimulus has fulfilled its task, the customer decides in favor of the brand or the purchase of the product, which the First Moment of Truth is. This is followed by consumption, during which the customer experiences the product, which in this model is referred to as the Second Moment of Truth.

The consumer therefore checks whether the quality promises made by the company are actually kept. If the consumer comments on his or her experience, this is also seen as a Third Moment of Truth denotes. The corresponding communication can be made directly to other consumers or indirectly as a rating (e.g. in social media).

Seven-stage model of the customer journey

The seven-stage model provides a more detailed picture of the customer journey. Here, the customer journey is divided into the following phases:

1. pre-awareness
2. awareness
3. consideration
4. preference
5. purchase
6. after sale
7. loyalty

In the Pre-awareness phase the customer is not yet aware of the problem and therefore has no reason to act. In this phase, it is difficult to capture the customer's attention with the help of content. The Awareness of the problem would therefore first have to be awakened through appropriate content, which not infrequently necessitates the use of psychological tricks or an emotional appeal.

Only in the Awareness phase an event occurs that requires an action. In this phase of the customer journey, the user searches for information that could help him with his problem and offer a solution. Accordingly, The content must also be solution-orientedThe content of the website is a key factor in attracting potential customers to the site. It is therefore crucial to present your offer with the right content in the right place.

Subject of the Consideration-Phase is then already a concrete need. The consumer has a clear idea of what kind of solution he is looking for. The problem is no longer in the foreground, but rather the product that is supposed to provide a remedy. In this phase, it must be communicated by means of content that such a solution is being offered, which at this point for the first time is the Use of product-related advertising justifies.

The 7-stage customer journey model
Content should best complement, accompany and embellish the customer journey. (Image:

In the Preference Phase is about deciding between different offers for a solution. The consumer therefore weighs up the options, which of the products offered is most likely to solve his problems. Product-related advertising and tests are the content in this phase that can steer the decision in the direction of one's own offer.

Once the decision has been made, the Purchase phase the customer journey. Here, it is important to make things as easy as possible for the customer so that, for example, no formalities stand in the way of his purchase.

In the After-sale phase the aim is to retain the customer as such. Product quality and service are now in the foreground. Accordingly service-oriented, the content must also bet be the one the customer falls back on.

If the customer is satisfied with the product, he enters the Loyalty phase one. In the best case, he is so enthusiastic about the product that he wants to share his experience with other users. He recommends the offer other customers, provides corresponding ratings, or creates its own reviews, which in turn can be content in the customer journey of other consumers.

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The right content along the customer journey leads to more customers

With the help of these models you can orientate yourself in order to find the best solution for your Customer Personas and customer journey to create the ideal content. The more specific the content is to the target customer and their current status in the journey, the greater the success. Customers can be successfully generated in a targeted manner.


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