[Guide] Minimize bounce rate in 7 steps


A high bounce rate means that many visitors leave the website early without looking around there any further. That's a tough sell for you as a site operator - after all, you want users to stay as long as possible. In this guide, we explain how to minimize the bounce rate and give you seven tips to prevent this.

What is the bounce rate?

A bounce is a session in which a visitor to a website has opened only one page and then left the website again. Further actions such as visiting further subpages, filling out a form or subscribing to a newsletter are not performed. The bounce rate is therefore the number of visits to a website. Number of visitors who leave your website after only a few seconds have. It is given as a percentage and is considered by Google to be more important Ranking factor. All the more reason to take a closer look at how you can minimize your own bounce rate.

Bounce rate
Bounce rate indicates the percentage of all sessions on your website where users visited only one page. (Image: instapage.com)

Calculate bounce rate - minimize bounce rate

The bounce rate is calculated from the number of all sessions in which a user only called up a page and did not take any further action, divided by the total number of all sessions. As far as possible, a Value between 20 and 60 percent come out. If the bounce rate is above 60 percent, it is high. A rate below 20 percent is probably a technical error and should be recalculated.

The values you need for these calculations can be found at Google Analytics. To successfully minimize the bounce rate, you can use the following seven tips or hire an agency that specializes in this.

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7 tips on how to reduce the bounce rate minimize

1. structure text content in an appealing way

Regardless of whether all relevant information can be found on a page and the texts are well written - if the structure is poor, many users will jump off immediately and not give the text a chance at all. Therefore avoid long text blocks and instead structure the content using subheadings, paragraphs, bulleted lists, and tables. Images, videos, and highlighted quotes can also help break up the text.

2. provide a pleasant design

You can minimize the bounce rate by making sure that the design of the website is appealing. Accordingly, the page should clearly structured and the Layout follow a clear pattern. Choose already familiar outline systems and designs so visitors instinctively find their way around your site. Also easy legible fonts instead of complicated squiggles can help improve the look.

Check that the website is compatible with all major browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox and Opera so that it displays correctly to every user.

3. find and use relevant keywords

Keywords are words that you include in your website content and through which you will later be recognized by Google'sAlgorithm be found. Suitable for a subpage two to three relevant keywords, which are then repeated several times instead of fifty individual ones. You can find suitable keywords for example with the Google Keyword Planner find

But be careful: although the keywords are significant for the Google algorithm, you should not write for the machine but first and foremost for the people. If you stuff too many keywords into a text, it will no longer be pleasant for users to read and they will jump off. And also the algorithm evaluates the so-called "keyword stuffing" negatively. Your website will then be classified as less serious.

4. write an interesting meta description

Meta Description is the short descriptive text that appears below the title of a website in Google search results. This means that for many users it is the first thing they see of your website - and depending on the Meta Description they decide whether they will visit the page at all.

Therefore, design the description as appealing and informative. Describe as concretely as possible what users can expect. However, don't lure them with false promises: If this is conspicuous, users will jump off again.

Meta Description
Make sure your meta description is crisp, engaging and interesting. (Image: moz.com)

5. create internal links

Internal links that lead to other subpages are considered one of the most important SEO factors. That's why they also influence the bounce rate: if the user is on a page where he hasn't found what he was looking for yet, you can avoid a bounce by giving him offer various links that fit the content. These then lead to related pages where the user can read further, delve deeper into the topic, or perform actions similar to those on the current page. This not only conveys the full Spectrum of your offers, but also increases the probability of successful completion.

6. technically optimize the website

Complex graphics, videos, and elements that require a lot of memory make for slower loading speeds. This can have a negative impact on the bounce rate: If the page takes longer than three seconds to load, many users will prefer to look for another one. You can measure your loading speed with tools like Google PageSpeed Insights or the Success Module from Ryte. Here you can also find out exactly where the speed is reduced.

In addition to the loading speed, you should also check the mobile optimization of the website should not be neglected: The majority of users now go online with their smartphone. The resolution, loading time and formatting must be adapted to this device. Otherwise, navigation will be very cumbersome for the user, which will cause him to leave the website sooner.

7. be economical with advertisements

Most users would probably prefer to see no advertising at all. But most websites can't afford to do that; after all, ads are considered a highly effective source of revenue. Instead, it's recommended, Use displays sparingly and effectively. Include advertising in a meaningful place so that the visitor hardly notices that it exists at all, or at least it seems appropriate and enriching.

By the way, a high amount of external links and pop-ups is also not good for the bounce rate and other SEO metrics: Some users bounce because the site feels cluttered and it overwhelms them; others use the many links to leave the site - and so you lose users yourself.

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A low bounce rate is a good sign that visitors are satisfied with your Interact website and them appealing content offered will. The previous tips show the different ways you can minimize the bounce rate. Basically, the user's perspective on the website and their target benefit should always be taken into account or considered in order to create an optimal experience for the visitors. Added value and a clear, simple and structured navigation have an impact on the website visit. The core point is to Provide target group with accurate information and provide them in the right place and at the right time.



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