Bootstrap Guide - everything about installation and integration

Frameworks for website development and CSS styles are becoming more and more popular. One software solution that is often used for this is Bootstrap.

With Bootstrap it is possible to quickly and easily create even elaborate web pages with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. In addition, the Software a set of templates and scripts, the so-called Boilerplateswhich you can easily integrate into your existing and new web projects.

Bootstrap logo
Logo (Image:

The installation of Bootstrap

Before you can get started, you first need to download Bootstrap and install the software. On the official website of the framework, which is also available in German, you can get all information about the software and the download. It is important to note that there are three different versions in total. The Bootstrap variant downloads a minimal package. This contains all the components you need to run the software. In addition, there is also a collection of various scripts for JavaScript and CSS are included in the software. However, the documentation and source files are missing, but can be downloaded later if needed.


Once you have downloaded Bootstrap in the version you want, you can start using it. There is no installation required. Which version you choose is entirely up to you and depends on your requirements. The Sass version is usually not required unless you want to use Bootstrap with corresponding software. For testing or getting started, the Bootstrap version is recommended. Even though this is only a minimal version, it is ideal to get an insight into the software. For professional use with all scripts, source files and functions, however, you should download the source version. In this case, a compilation of the files is necessary before you can use the framework.

The integration of Bootstrap in websites

After you have downloaded the desired Bootstrap package, you can integrate the various scripts and source files directly into your web pages. The easiest way to do this is to place the desired source and script files in a directory of your project. Then you can link to the files from the HTML source code as usual.

If you do not want to use the files in their original form, then you can of course make adjustments and changes to adapt the scripts and source code to your needs and wishes. As another option, you can also upload the scripts and files to a web server and then link to it on all your web pages. This way you don't have to include the files in every project, but you can simply link to the server location in all your projects. In this case, however, you must make sure that the server and the files are available, otherwise the scripts and source files cannot be retrieved.

For this reason, the procedure is usually not suitable for third-party projects, since you can never know how long a website will last and you would therefore have to keep the scripts on your server forever. It is better for these third-party projects to store the files together with the website on the customer's server.


Bootstrap is a fast and convenient way to create professional Websites to create. The scripts and source files save a lot of work. Moreover, Bootstrap is open-source software and thus completely free. Nevertheless, the framework is characterized by excellent documentation, which is further supported by many video tutorials and tutorials from the community. In addition, you always get extensive help in the Community Forums, so it's easy even for newbies to get up to speed quickly with Bootstrap.

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