Analytical CRM - understanding customers thanks to data mining


The Understanding of own customers and thus the knowledge of the Motives and Reasons to buy is an important factor in operational business. Analytical CRM offers companies the opportunity to make existing data sets better knowledge about their own customers to win and Predictions about their behavior and their preferences. Nevertheless, analytical CRM is only used in a few companies. We show how important these analyses can be.

The distinction between operational and analytical CRM

In most companies, it is above all the operational CRM the decisive basis in the work with customers. This is the Customer Relationship Management, which is controlled via the corresponding Software displays the important and relevant information for all customer contacts. Among other things, this is done at the Contact by telephone, mail or e-mail is particularly important. Only in this way can customers, on the basis of their customer history Optimally addressed be

But these data processed and used there are also the Basis for analytical CRM. Analytical CRM is used primarily to Optimization of all current and new customer relationships and draws on a wide range of data and data sources.

For this reason, this area is enormously complex and hardly used in many companies. And this despite the fact that there are good reasons that speak for the analytical approach to customer relationship management.

After all, a company that has knows customers so wellthat it is capable in parts of their Identify wishes and needs in advance, can lead these customers to a purchase much easier and faster. It is necessary to accurately analyze the needs of customers and to react quickly and efficiently as a company. Thanks to analytical CRM, this is entirely possible in many areas of application.

All data converge in the analytical CRM

One of the most important focal points in analytical CRM is the Data Mining. In this process, the available data are analyzed comprehensively to establish correlations and derive control relationships from them.

For this purpose, it is important that data from all operational and business areas converge in the CRM system. This is not only the important customer data and the data from the operational CRM, but also economic data on purchasing behavior and Analytics data on the behavior of customers on the website or to their reactions to marketing measures.

This sounds enormously complex, but it also means that many new cross connections can be produced and used. Analytical CRM divides on the basis of these data volumes and on the basis of the benefits into five fields of application on. These are all equally important and impact the success of the business. These fields of application are:

  • Reporting
  • Data Mining
  • Monitoring
  • Forecast
  • Implementation

All fields build on each other or work synergistically with the available data. Predictions are made by the analysis, which will occur with a high statistical probability. Based on these predictions, plans and solutions can be designed for implementation and optimization.

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Powerful CRM and business intelligence systems do the work

Thanks to the very large database and the linking of many different data sets and contexts are powerful CRM tools very close to the various Business Intelligence Systems located. The programs must not only be able to manage the various Data to collect, this To be edited and use them, for example, for reporting and presentations To provide. You must also make visible in the operational application.

For this reason, most CRM systems have a Variety of interfaces and functions. They are accordingly Complex to handle. However, it is clearly worthwhile for most companies to opt for such a solution and assign employees to work in this area.

Analytical CRM is able to link the important and relevant data for the company with many other data sets and thus to Decision-making basis for marketing and sales to deliver and the Improve business of the company.

Data evaluation as the basis for operational processes and optimizations

The bottom line is that it is a Cycle from data. This is optimized further and further by the various programs and algorithms. This is because, among other things, operational CRM uses a lot of data, but generates at least as many data records on individual customers.

Analytical CRM uses this data, relates it to all other data streams, and then outputs it again. As a result, the data is available to operational customer relationship management again and the cycle begins anew.

Since from all operational areas and from all data silos of the company the relevant data in analytical CRM merged and reprocessed, there is an enormous wide range of opportunities for the company ready

Know the customer - serve the customer optimally - from lead to conversion

Of course, all this effort must have a enormous benefit so that companies can begin to use customer data more effectively. It is clearly evident that analytical CRM is able to improve the to optimize operational processes to such an extentthat huge improvements in conversion from Lead show to the customer.

Thanks to the strong presence in these areas of Automation of many processes can thus be Significant increase in sales reach The more customers has a company and The more data are available for Customer Relation Management, the greater the effect through the analytical elaboration and preparation of the existing data streams.

Analytical CRM is therefore able to to promote the economic success of a company in a targeted manner and for a higher heel and better key figures to provide. The best part is that you can use the Results on the basis of various key figures read, evaluate and optimize can. It is therefore a continuous processwhich contributes enormously to the company's success and helps to shape it.

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